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Child in wheelchair happily listening to music. Concept of showing importance of individual agency in support work and respect for our clients unique needs

Oor ons

Verbetering van gemeenskapsdienste - die lewering van dienste wat die lewens in ons gemeenskappe verbeter.

Welkom by Enhance Community Services

Wie is ons?

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Ons is 'n span visionêre en samewerkende versorgers wat vasbeslote is om die lewensgehalte van ons kliënte te verbeter, met passie om hulle aan die groter gemeenskap te koppel.

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Ons visie

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Ondersteuning vir daaglikse lewens toeganklik maak, atmosfeer skep vir diversiteit en geleenthede bevorder sonder waardigheid.

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Ons missie

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Enhance Community Services is gemeenskapsgerig, netwerkgedrewe met toewyding om toegang en lewenskwaliteit te verbeter.

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Ons waardes

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E magtiging

N etwerk

H onestie

'N Toegang / aanspreeklikheid

N urture

C ourageous

E mpaties

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Ons beginsel

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Om waardigheid en respek vir almal te handhaaf. Bevordering van diversiteit, gelyke toegang, deelname en samewerking.

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Four hands linking in a circle. Concept of people supporting people. By holding each other up we provide disability and support care that prioritises respect, inclusivity and agency.
Our guiding principles:

To uphold dignity and respect for all people. 

To promote diversity, equal access, participation and collaboration.

To create an environment of respect and advocacy within the care industry.









Our goals include:
  • Connect our clients to the broader community

  • Reduce and eliminate prejudice in care services and in the wider community

  • Empower our team and our clients to develop strong, meaningful relationships

  • Nurture our client's agency and independence

  • Be leaders in our community as we work towards inclusivity and connectedness

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